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What if I hate YAML?

Even though our documentation uses YAML, Hysteria has full support for JSON and TOML as well.


  "server": "",
  "auth": "i_still_love_jason",
  "bandwidth": {
    "up": "30 mbps",
    "down": "100 mbps"
  "fastOpen": true,
  "lazy": true,
  "socks5": {
    "listen": ""
  "http": {
    "listen": ""
server = ""
auth = "i_still_love_tom"
fastOpen = true
lazy = true

up = "30 mbps"
down = "100 mbps"

listen = ""

listen = ""

Make sure the file extension matches the format you're using. Run the client with the following command:

./hysteria-linux-amd64-avx -c config.json
# or
./hysteria-linux-amd64-avx -c config.toml


If you already have a YAML configuration file, you can convert it to JSON using yq (

yq config.yaml -o json > config.json

There are also some websites: