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Below is a list of common issues you may encounter while setting up the client or server, along with suggested solutions.

failed to initialize client (connect error: timeout: no recent network activity)

This error occurs when the client is unable to connect to the server. The most common causes are:

  • The server is not running
  • The port is blocked by a firewall (apart from the system, many providers have separate firewall settings in the panel)
  • The server is running at a different address or port.
  • The server is listening on a network that's inaccessible to the client.
  • The domain name is not resolving to the correct IP address.
  • Incorrect obfuscation settings
  • The Linux kernel version is too old (there's a known issue on CentOS 7). Refer to [1] [2] for more details.

failed to initialize client (authentication error, HTTP status code: 404)

This error occurs when the client is rejected by the server. The most common causes are:

  • The credentials are incorrect
  • You connected to the wrong server
  • The server has misconfigured authentication settings

failed to initialize client (connect error: CRYPTO_ERROR 0x12a (local): tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority)

This error occurs when the client considers the server's certificate to be invalid. The most common causes are:

  • The server is using a self-signed certificate and you have not added it to the client's trusted CA or used the insecure option.
  • Your system's trusted CA store is missing the CA that signed the server's certificate.
  • You are being MITM'd (man-in-the-middle attack) by a third party.

failed to load server config (invalid config: listen: listen udp :443: bind: permission denied)

This error occurs when the server does not have permission to bind to the specified port. You can do one of the following:

  • Run the server as root
  • Give the executable the cap_net_bind_service capability: sudo setcap cap_net_bind_service=+ep ./hysteria-linux-amd64-avx